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Life surely does enjoyable.
When you have to go but still don't have the main idea of your destiny, life is begins.
Life will teach you many things, how to live and survive through the darkest time, how to be patient when everything went wrong, how to manage your time to get something big, or even how to create and destroy society by your own selves.
Life surely does enjoyable.
It just depends on how you choose to see it.
It could make you happy when you see how many people that would always stand by your side, It could make you strong when you know you've got nothing to count on to, it could make you feel surprised when you've got something you never expected and it surely could make you tired when you finally realise what you've got is not as equal as what you've done.
Life surely does enjoyable.
Even at the time when you are not foresee it.
Life can make you blind, much or less when you're about to forget your family over you job and wealthiness. Life can make you deaf, over a words and positive advice which can lead you to the right way. And life can make you silent, throughout all the crime and hustle surround you

Name   : Karlina Rahmaningsih
Npm     : 0211U235
Hobby  : Very diverse
Quotes : Learn More , Do More

I'm student at Widyatama Univ , Bandung 

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